Susan Laflin-Barker's Wargames Page

Currently I am trying to produce a set of Campaign Rules for use with DBA and DBMM100. I would love to hear from anyone who has been trying these campaign rules and has useful comments to make. I have also prepared a Campaign Account to go with these rules. Please contact me using the email ""

My involvement in wargames started in 1970, after my marriage to Phil Barker, and has continued to this day. In the early days, I played ancient wargames and was a member of the Society of Ancients - I served on the committee and organised the postal championship for many years. I also contributed to Wargames Research Group by running a trade stand at many wargames meetings and provided financial support so that Phil could work full-time on writing the rules and army books.

On retiring from my lectureship at the University of Birmingham, I had time to undertake other interests and one of these was a Diploma Course in Military History. As part of this, I produced a study of the Battle of Shrewsbury in 1403.

Page maintained by Susan Laflin-Barker. Last updated March 2016